Fraunhofer Center for Digital Diagnostics launches first research projects

Together with industry and healthcare providers, the Fraunhofer Center for Digital Diagnostics aims to develop technologies and solutions that improve medical care in rural areas and promote digitization in the healthcare sector in the long term. In February 2022, the first strategic fields of action of the Fraunhofer Center for Digital Diagnostics were defined and the participating institutes were called upon to submit concrete project ideas.
After in-depth evaluation of many, innovative solution approaches, four major projects were selected for funding in June 2022.
"SODIAPH" - Analysis and optimization of digital ecosystems in patient care.
"NEIGHBORHOOD DIAGNOSTICS" - Patient-centered diagnostics reimagined for areal regions
"KISMADI" - Intelligent, demand-oriented wound care for chronically ill patients
"RESPIVIR" - Next-generation viral testing for on-demand diagnosis and outbreak containment.
Within these projects, concrete solutions for a wide variety of use cases will be developed and further digital diagnostic competencies will be built up in the process.
The projects will initially be funded until Oct. 31, 2025.
In addition to these major projects, the development of eight further project ideas has also been funded until the end of 2022.
A further call for projects will be prepared by December 2022 on the basis of the fields of action and the following strategic analyses.